Our Purpose
Creating a bridge between humans and animals, fostering respect and compassion in every interaction.
About Bridging The Worlds
Bridging the Worlds is dedicated to alleviating animal suffering through sanctuary, education, and advocacy. We aim to end the killing of healthy pets.
Currently our efforts are focused on dogs, who live safe and free here while they recover physical health and emotional harmony. All are spayed or neutered, receive appropriate veterinary care and excellent nutrition.
No cages, no chains. They have 35 snugly fenced acres where we can take them to run and play. Most of them live among us – free to snooze indoors on hot days and cold nights, welcome to take refuge from summer or winter storms in our house and offices, or tucked into their own houses in their own yards, as they choose.
As needed, they receive homeopathic and herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, chiropractic treatment, acupuncture, and western medicines to address acute or chronic physical or behavioral symptoms. When they are ready, we help them to join new human families.
Occasionally an unexpected condition such as cancer is revealed during the initial veterinary exam. Or a traumatized animal who functions well in this environment cannot adjust to the requirements of life as a “pet” and is considered “unadoptable.” We do everything possible to help those animals achieve comfort and happiness and they live out their lives with us.
We regret deeply that we cannot take in every animal who needs help, because we do not kill dogs to make space for other dogs. We see each dog through to adoption into a new family or to old age and death. We do euthanize for untreatable suffering.

Our Mission
• To alleviate animal suffering by providing sanctuary from abuse, neglect, and homelessness;
• To end the killing of healthy animals as a method of population control;
• To teach that animals are intrinsically valuable, worthy of respect, compassion, and care.